

o4a Advocacy

We communicate with Ohioans, elected officials and policy makers at all levels of government about aging related issues and events.  

  • We maintain dialogue with elected and appointed officials about the needs of older Ohioans.
  • We initiate and champion legislation and actions in support of Ohio’s older adults, their families, and caregivers and the programs and services that affect them.
  • We track bills of interest to the aging network as they move through the legislative process on both state and federal levels.
  • We hold an Advocacy Conference and Legislative Reception every other year during the state budget process, at which we include national speakers, state advocates and others to share the latest updates on policy initiatives that impact older people and people with disabilities. 
  • o4a members and Associate members receive a weekly Legislative and Policy Bulletin to keep current with legislative and policy initiatives both at the state and federal level.

Want to stay informed?  Become an Associate Member today.

Want to help? Donate to the Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging Political Action Committee.

Recent Advocacy
