2022 Medical Mutual Aging and Disability Innovation Awards

Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging, Medical Mutual
Award Innovative Programs for Older Ohioans
COLUMBUS — The Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging (o4a) is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2022 Medical Mutual Aging and Disability Innovation Awards. The newly established distinction recognizes and advances new, effective and replicable programs that are successfully meeting both the social and health needs of older adults and people with disabilities across Ohio.
This year’s recipients were announced during the conclusion of the o4a Five-Star Innovation and Education Summit, held on June 6 and 7 in Columbus. With an audience of more than 200 professionals in the aging and disability network across the state, o4a recognized the four highest-ranking, most cutting-edge programs recently implemented by Ohio-based Area Agencies on Aging.
winning programs

Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio’s Care Census – recognized for its research on the scope and impact of caregiving responsibilities on the broader workforce and for its work to build partnerships with the local business community to better support working caregivers.
Hear stories from caregivers who have been helped by the Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio: Working Caregivers Share Their Stories
Learn more about Care Census: Fact Sheet

Social Isolation
Direction Home Akron Canton’s ConnectMe DHAD – recognized for its efforts to close the digital divide and combat social isolation by providing tablets, laptops and internet access for low-income older adults in Summit County.

Ohio District 5 Area Agency on Aging’s Community Care Services – recognized for its innovative work model used to address the growing shortage of State Tested Nurse’s Aides needed for immediate and short-term, in-home healthcare in north-central Ohio.

Area Agency on Aging 3’s Find a Ride – recognized for its work to fund and coordinate both medical and non-medical transportation for older adults and individuals with disabilities living in lower northwestern Ohio. Learn about AAA 3’s Find a Ride and Mobility Management Program.

Each organization also received a $2,000 grant for their programming, which is part of a recent $50,000 donation from Medical Mutual to elevate the work being done by the Area Agencies on Aging throughout Ohio to advance caregiver support, social isolation, workforce and other initiatives that improve the health and lives of older Ohioans.
“Medical Mutual is proud to further advance the impact of our population health model through continued collaboration with our key nonprofit partners such as the Area Agencies on Aging across the state,” said Dr. Tere Koenig, executive vice president and chief medical officer at Medical Mutual. “Partnering to advance these innovations is part of our 5-Star Medicare designation and continued focus on working with community partners who help our members thrive as we address key factors that affect one’s overall health.”
Currently, Medical Mutual offers the only 5-Star Medicare Advantage PPO plan in Ohio for 2022. This is Medicare’s highest rating and was in part driven by member satisfaction feedback. Medical Mutual is honoring this recognition with a yearlong 5-Star Senior Celebration focused on preventing illness, promoting overall wellness, and celebrating the contributions of older adults and caregivers across the State.
“Our partnership provides us the chance to achieve our mission and reach more older adults and people with disabilities,” said Gary L. Cook, president and CEO of Direction Home Akron Canton Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities. “We are proud of the success Medical Mutual has achieved and are honored to be a part of that.”
More information on the o4a awards can be found at: www.ohioaging.org.
About Medical Mutual of Ohio
Founded in 1934, Medical Mutual is the oldest and one of the largest health insurance companies based in Ohio. We provide peace of mind to more than 1.2 million Ohioans through our high-quality health, life, disability, dental, vision and indemnity plans. We offer fully insured and self-funded group coverage, including stop loss, as well as Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement and individual plans. Medical Mutual’s status as a mutual company means we are owned by our members, not stockholders, so we don’t answer Wall Street analysts or pay dividends to investors. Instead, we focus on developing products and services that allow us to better serve our customers and the communities around us and help our members achieve their best possible health and quality of life. For more information, visit the company’s website at MedMutual.com.
Posted on by Beth Kowalczyk.