Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging
Political Action Committee

The Ohio General Assembly plays a significant role in finance and policy issues that affect older adults and people with disabilities, their caregivers, and aging and disability services in our state. To help make those voices heard at the Statehouse, o4a formed the Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging Political Action Committee (PAC). 

OR: Mail individual checks to:

Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging PAC

66 E. Lynn Street, Suite 2000

Columbus, Ohio 43215

***All contributions are completely voluntary.  You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Any proposed contribution amounts are merely suggestions; you may choose to contribute more or less or not at all. Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging PAC will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount contributed or the decision not to contribute. All materials prepared and paid for by Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging PAC.

PAC Fundraising: Important Rules 

  • Political Action Committees are prohibited by state law from accepting contributions from corporations. As a result, all contributions must come from individuals, not corporations. When donating to the Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging PAC, please ensure that you use a personal payment method.
  • Contributions to Political Action Committees can come in the form of personal checks, money orders, cashier’s checks and/or credit cards.
  • There is no maximum limit on individual contributions to a Political Action Committee.
  • Contributions must include the individual’s full name, address, employer (for contributions over $100), amount donated and the date the contribution was received.
  • Political Action Committee contributions are voluntary. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. 
  • Political Action Committee contributions ARE NOT tax deductible.